Today we talk about scientific methods to increase our memory power.
I don't talk about that your mind Power is increase in one night but I talk about the truth & scientific methods by following some basic steps in systematic way, by which you can increase your mind Power.
Before we start I tell you that the memory power is available in all the human being but there are some diseases like Demansia & Mental retardation in this case memory power looses. So, memory power of all human beings works properly. But the problem is that sometimes we not pay attention on the things due to this we can't able to focus on our subject on which we want to study. So our mind can't receive it properly. Due to this, we can't memorize that thing for more time we we call it less memory power and forgot about that things. But in reality we can't observe that subject properly.
Now understand that how to remember things for long time and how to convert short term memory in long term memory...
There are so many methods to learn things and remember it for long time but our scientists tell that there are five method to learn things in systematic way.
The first way to increase ability to learn about things is that, you need to divide the larger number, words & sentance. It is not easy to learn Langer number, words & sentence in small time but if you divide it in some parts then in is become easy to learn it. If you need 15 words number then in is very hard to learn it together but when you divide it in 3 or 4 words it becomes easy to learn it. So the right way to learn large sentence, words & numbers is that you divide it in parts.
The second way to remember things in proper way is that if you want to learn school syllabus then you need to take break it in between your study time means not study regularly study with some breaks.
Before you understand about this you need to understand about that, one neurone of our mind is connected to 10thausand other neurones but the reality is that they are not connected titly to each other. Because in between these neurones the small gap (0.0025) is available and then the function of our mind works when signal of one neurone jumps on another neurones in this way message in our mind flows properly and this system know as neurotransmitter. These neurotransmitters combined to each other and then information in our mind saves or stored in the form of memory. But we faced some problems when we study regularly then our neurotransmitter is tired. They need some time rest and in it condition we work more and wants to take more information then due to tiredness it don't work properly and we can't concentrated on things and then our mind can't remember it for long time so, during study time we need to take a break about 5-10min. after 30min. regular study. It the break time you can walk listen music and watch any video of 10min. to refresh our mind.
The third way to learn things is very interesting and it is possible some of you already listen about it. It is very easy trick to learn thinks is that , you need to connect the words to each other words like you make any story on the words that you want to learn. If you have 15-20 words and you want to learn these words in a row it is very difficult to do this but when you make any story on theses words it becomes very easy to learn it doesn't matter that there is no meaning of your story here matters that can you able to learn and remember these words for long time.
The fourth way is that collect information from our all sense organs we have five sense organs that are singing, hearing, taste, smell & touch by these organs all information of world entered in our mind. When we study we only use our eyes, when we listen we only use our ears but when we watch online videos we us both ear and eye. According to scientists it is proof that if you use more organs then you will able to get more quickly and redeemable information.
Last Fifth way to increase ability to store information for more time is that, information we collect how to convert it into long term memory to short term memory. There is only on solution is that revision but revision is also done scientific or symmetric way because after some research scientist tell there is no benefit for the random revision and no effect on our memory. After research scientist observe a time table for revision. Before we know about time table we need to know that, according to scientists we collect all the information it is not learn 100%. Instantly we forgot it's 20-25% of it and after one day we forgot it's 30% and after some days due to collection of other information we forgot it's 80-85%. Now friends read it carefully that we can learn information and remember it as we learn it on 1st day by doing revision is symmetric way. It is that first revision we need to do on that day when we learn it. Second time revision after 1 week. Third revision after 15 days. Fourth revision after 1month. Fifth revision after 6months.
In this way you can increase your memory power. There is no tablet or any machine to increase mind Power till now. In future I can't know if scientists make it.
And for collect gernal knowledge you can read newspaper and saw news on TV, YouTube, and by reading my posts and talk with your friends
Badiya lga rh